Special Projects, Command and Control North (CCN). Yard Camp, 5 miles South of FOB-2. Team consisted of Bru, tribesmen from Laos Mission was to infiltrate well within Laos and set up a semi-permanent base of operations.
Special Projects Teams Cutlass and Saber. Team (Cutlass) is kneeling.
Cutlass Team Formation
Swing-Landing Trainer
Gil Secor and Percy Hudson
“Mac” our Rigger, down from Danang.
Al Fontes “Helping” pack a chute.
Cutlass PT
Cutlass PT
Cutlass PT
Preparing for final qualifying jump.
The man on the right is Cheek, Interpreter.
Asst. Tm Ldr. Commo man
Al Fontes with Guest of Honor!
Percy Hudson and OD
No Shirt Asst. Tm Ldrs of Tm Cutlass and Tm Sabre.
The man standing is Maj. Sanford, the commander op