Seeking any personnel, especially those stationed at FOB 4, who recall the loss of Spike Team Asp (Ron Brown, Al Boyer, and Greg Huston) on 28 Mar 1968 in Laos. Thanks
My name is Cliff Watts Sr., I am a retired 1SG, USA. I was assigned to the 403rd RR SOD, 5th SFGA in RVN from Sept. 1966 to Sept. 1967. During the late June into the 3rd week of July 1967 my teammates and I were deployed, on then, “The Eagles Nest”, later Leghorn, to intercept low level NVA radio traffic. I am looking for any info on the CCC Sgt. who was deployed with us at that time SSG Rogers. He was a close friend of James Gray who was sadly KIA July 15, 1967. Sergeant Gray’s body was flown on a Mcquire rig, and Sgt. Rogers and I handled caring for his body until his remains were taken by a relief helicopter.
There are only three of us from the 403rd on that mission remaining, and my teammate Joe Gannon and I often wonder how Sergeant Rogers made out after his assignment in RVN, and later life.
Any information you can possibly give would be deeply appreciated.