ABCCC | Airborne Battlefield Command & Control Center |
AE | Advisory Element |
AH-1G Cobras. Also known as “Cobra” | H-34 Helicopters usually flown by Vietnamese pilots |
AHC | Assault Helicopter Company |
AHEC | Armed Helicopter Escort Company |
AIZ | Air Interdiction Zone |
ARA | Aerial Rocket Artillery |
ARVN | Army of the Republic of Vietnam |
BA | Base Area |
BDA | Bomb Damage Assessment |
Bravo Hotel | Ben Het SF camp |
C&C | Com-and and Control |
CAT | Civil Air Transport |
CBU | Cluster Bomb Unit |
CCC | Command and Control Central |
CCN | Command and Control North |
CCS | Command and Control South |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CIDG | Civilian Irregular Defense Group |
CINCPAC | Commander in Chief, Pacific |
CISO | Counterinsurgency Support Office |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
COMSEC | Communication Security |
COMUSMACTHAI | Commander, USA Military Assistance Command, Thailand |
COMUSMACV | Comander, USA Military Command, Vietnam |
COSVN | Central Office for South Vietnam |
CRF | Coastal Recovery Force |
CRP | Combat Recon Platoon |
CSG | Combined Studies Group |
CSS | Coastal Security Service (So Phong Ve Duyen Hai) |
Delta Papa Three | John Plaster’s call sign while flying as Covey Rider in Bronco |
Delta Tango | FOB at Dak To |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone |
DZ | Drop Zone |
E&E | Escape and Evasion |
ECM | Electronic Countermeasure |
EEI | Essential Element of Information |
EWOTS | Early Warning Observation Team |
FAC | Forward Air Control |
FANK | Fores Armees National Khmeres (Cambodian National Army) |
FLIR | Forward Looking Infrared Radar |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOB-1 | Phu Bai - Later were redesignated CCN |
FOB-2 | Kontum |
FOB-3 | Khe Sanh / Mai Loc - Later were redesignated CCN |
FOB-4 | Da Nang - Later were redesignated CCN |
FOB-5 | Ban Me Thout |
FOB-6 | Ho Noc Tao - Later were redesignated 1-0 School, Long Tan |
Foxtrot Mike | FM radio frequency |
Fulton surface-to-air recovery system (STARS) | A system used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States Air Force and United States Navy for retrieving persons on the ground using aircraft such as the MC-130E Combat Talon I. |
FWMF | Free World Miltary Forces |
GCMA | Croupment De Commandos Aeroportes |
HALO | High Altitude Low Opening |
ICC | International Control Commission |
IDHS | Intelligence Data Handling System |
JACK | Joint Advisory Commission Korea |
JCRC | Joint Casualty Resolution Center |
JCS | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
JPRC | Joint Personnel Recovery Center |
JSCM | Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum |
JTD | Joint Table of Distribution |
JUSPAO | Joint US Public Affairs Organisation |
JUWTF | Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force |
Kilo November | Known North. Position is “Kilo November” |
KKK | Khmer Kampuchea Krom |
LLDB | Luc Luong Duc Biet (VN Special Forces) |
LOC | Lines of Communication |
LSAD | Liaison Service Advisory Detachment |
Lurch | David Mixter’s personnel call sign |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MAAG | Military Assistance Advisory Group |
MACV | Military Assistance Command, Vietnam |
MACV-SOG | Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observation Group |
MAF | Maritime Amphibious Force |
MAROPS | Maritime Operations |
McGUIRE RIG | The McGuire rig was designed by a member of Project DELTA to quickly lift an individual from the jungle by helicopter. It was a rope 150-200 feet long with a strap type saddle sewn to the end, it had two hold straps. |
MLT | Mobile Launch Team |
MR | Military Region |
MST | Mobile Support Team |
NAD | Naval Advisory Detachment |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NLF | National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam |
NOFORN | No Foreign Dissemination |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSAM | National Security Action Memorandum |
OJS | Office of Joint Chief of Staff |
OPLAN | Operations Plan |
OSS | Office of Strategic Services |
Panthers | AH-1G Cobras. Also known as “Cobra” |
PARU | Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit |
PAVN | People's Army of Vietnam |
PCF | Patrol Craft Fast |
PLA | People's Liberation Army of China |
Plasticman | John Plaster’s personal call sign while on a RT |
POL | Petroleum Oil and Lubricants |
PRC | People's Republic of China |
PRU | Provincial Reconnaissance Unit |
PSYOPS | Psychological Operations |
PTS | Patrol Type, Fast |
R&D | Research and Development |
RON | Remain Over Night |
RPG | Rocket Propelled Grenade |
RT | Recon Team |
RTAFB | Royal Thai Air Force Base |
SAAT | Safe Area Activation Team |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
SACSA | Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile |
SAR | Serach and Rescue |
SCU | Special Commando Unit |
SEACORD | Southeast Asia Coordinating Committee |
SEATo | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization |
SES | Strategic Exploitation Service (So Khai Thac Dia Hinh |
SFG | Special Forces Group |
SIT | Strategic Intelligence Team |
SLAM | Search, Locate, Annihilate, Monitor |
SMAG | Special Mission Advisory Group |
SMF | Special Mission France |
SMM | Saigon Military Mission |
SMS | Special Mission Service |
SMSAD | Special Mission Service Advisory Detachment |
SOCOM | Special Operations Command |
SOD | Special Operations Detachment |
SOG | Studies and Observation Group |
SOS | Special Operations Squadron |
SOW | Special Operations Wing |
SPAF | Sneaky Pete Air Force |
SSB | Single Side Band (Radio Circuit) |
SSPL | Sacred Sword of the Patriot League |
ST | Spike Team |
STABO HARNESS | This rig was tested at the RECONDO School on 281st aircraft but was not actually used by Project Delta until early 1970. |
STD | Strategic Technical Directorate |
STDAT | Strategic Technical Directorate Assistance Team |
STRATA | Short Term Roadwatch and Target Acquisition |
Straw Hat/Type | Code name for American personnel on a RT |
STS | Strategic Technical Service (So Ky Thuat) |
SUPPFAC | Support Facility |
SVN | South Vietnam |
TACC | Tactical Air Control Center |
TACE | Training Center Advisory Element Temporary Duty |
Tango Papa | Pat Mitchels call sign as 1-0 |
TASS | Tactical Air Support Squadron |
TES | Special Topographical Exploration Service (So Khai Thac Dia Hinh |
TFAE | Task Force Advisory Element |
Tilt | John Meyers Call Sign while on RT |
TRADOC | Training and Doctrine Command |
Uniform | UHF radio frequency |
USARV | U.S. Army, Vietnam |
USIA | United States Information Agency |
UW | Unconventional Warfare |
VIAT | Vietnamese Air Transport |
Victor | VHF radio frequency |
VNAF | Vietnamese Air Force |
VOF | Voice of Freedom |
VSSPL | Voice of the Sacred Sword of the Patriot League |
White Lead | Huey in charge of flying the rescue mission |
Winchester | Air assets that are out of ordnance |