RT Maine

Last Name | First Name | Entry Dates | Departed | Position | Bio and Pictures | Remarks |
Arvai | Johny | 68 | 1-0 | |||
Baker | Dave C. | 69.03.14 70.01 | 1-1 1-0 | SILVER PISTOL | ||
Buckland | Michael P. | 1-0 | ||||
Conroy Jr. | Paul A. | 67.03.23 | 1-0 | KIA White phosphorus bomb explodes in hand during training |
Couch | John R. | 67.01 | ||||
Gant | James "Jim" | 69.10 | 69.12 | 1-0 | ||
Glover | Douglas John Glover | KIA | ||||
Hoffmann | Richard F. | 69.09 | 69.10 | 1-1 | ||
Kirschbaum | David P "Squiretoad" | 69.05 | 69.08 | 1-0 | ||
Kramer | Larry G. | 72.01 | 1-9 | |||
Leverington | Leon I. | 67.01 | ||||
McNeir | Robert L. | 71.02 71.05 | 71.05 | 1-2 1-1 | ||
Montgomery | Marvin G. | 69.01 | 1-0 | |||
Shaughnessy | John F. | 71.05 | 72.03 | 1-2 | ||
Spurgeon | William | 69.01 | 1-2 | |||
Upchurch | Howard C. | 71.02 | 72.02 | 1-0 | ||
Zabitosky | Fred W. | 68.02.19 | 1-0 | 68.02.19 MOH |

his was Recon Team Maine at CCC in late summer of 1969. David Baker (10) is front right. Back row on the right is Sherman MIller, and I’m standing in the center of the back row. The deep bond between the Special Forces soldiers and the Montagnards who fought with and for us (our team was nearly all Jarai) really was powerful–loyalty unto death, no man left behind. What an honor and privilege it was to serve with the kind of men who found their way to SOG. De Opresso Liber!
Alhough SE Asia could be very hot indeed, the military thoughtfully saw to air-conditioning, as you see in this photo of Recon Team Maine coming out of a Cambodian mission “on strings.” The date was unforgettable for me, as September 22, 1969 happened to be my 20th birthday; it also was nearly the date of my death. Chase medic Clarence Long took this amazing photo of RT Main high above Laos; I’m on the left, holding an injured Montagnard team member, Nhut, and to my right is another Yard, Andre, and below him was 10 David Baker. Baker’s lower down because in SOG, the team leader was the first man on target and the last man out of it.

RT Maine loading up at Dak To.