Patrick Kreng Montagnards Tribesman of the Sedangs Peoples. Fought with Special Forces from 1965 to March 1973, Assigned to FOB-2 CCC Kontum RT-Nebraska. Patrick spent four years in a re-education Camp 1975 to 1978
Patrick Kreng With Capt John Hall A244 CIDG 1967-1968 Hills 990MM
Patrick Kreng with NGO FOB-2 CCC
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC and Fanz Shoaf RT Nebraska
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC Task Force 2AE
Patrick Kreng extracted by stings from Cambodia to CCC 9-1971
Right to Left
Franz Shoaf, Patrick Kreng, Dung, David Blow
Patrick Kreng B Company Hatchet Forces 1971
Patrick Kreng FOB-2 CCC
Patrick Kreng FPlei Ku 2-14-1973
Patrick Kreng Spent four years in re-education camp. Here he is being dragged throug the mud 4-1975 to 4-1979
Col Dai and Lt Phuong Murdered by VC Police at Re-education Camp 1978