Lynne was on his second tour in Vietnam when he came to SOG recon. He was a Airborne grunt in the 173rd Airborne on the first tour and returning to Vietnam and SOG recon as a SP4 right out of Special Forces Training Group.
SP4 Lynne Black Jr.
RT Idaho
RT Idaho
SP4 Lynne Black Jr.
SP4 Lynne Black Jr. John Meyer Rick Estes
SP4 Lynne Black Jr.
CCN recon area, April 1969, from left: Rick Estes, Me, Mark Gentry & Lynne M. Black Jr.
Photo Apr 69, CCN, from left: Ron Podlaski, myself, Mark Gentry and Lynne M. Black
Jr. By: John “Tilt” Meyer
L to R Lynne Black, Rich Howard, John Peters, 1-0 John McGovern