Recon Team Washington

Last NameFirst NameEntry DatesDeparted PositionBio and PicturesRemarks
Ambrose Jr.Floyd "Pig-Pen"69.101-0
BatchelorTom D.70.0370.061-1
BehlerCharles T.71.10.12 STP
BelletireFrank L. 69.111-1
DylFrank 71
GentryMark S.71.10.12 STP
Green JrCurtis 70.12.04 KIA
GrossRichard R."Moose"71.10.12STP
HamiltonKarl “Toad” 69.051-1
LoucksBryon W.68.0669.021-0
Loucks Bryon
McNierRobert 72.021-0
PlasterJohn L.70.0270.04 1-0
PresleyEluis A.
Stults Jr. William N.71.101-1
SugarHoward 70.12711-1
RT Washington 1-0 Floyd “Pig Pen” Ambrose double-fists Millers after a successful operation into the Prairie Fire AO. At his side is the legendary Billy Greenwood.

RT Washington 1-0 Floyd “Pig Pen” Ambrose double-fists Millers after a successful operation into the Prairie Fire AO. At his side is the legendary Billy Greenwood.

RT WASHINGTON  Howard Sugar 

RT Washington