Warrant Officer Terry Crump was a Cobra gunship pilot who earned a near-unprecedented seven Distinguished Flying Crosses in his one-year tour in Vietnam. This is the untold story of the Pink Panthers, the 361st Aerial Weapons Company, an all-Cobra unit dedicated to supporting the secret war of MACVSOG. SOG, the so-called “Studies and Observation Group” sent small teams led by Special Forces commandos into Laos and Cambodia in violation of their supposed neutrality. It was considered “the hairiest mission” of the war with more Medals of Honor awarded to SOG teams at Kontum than any other unit. Readers will learn what it was like to fly Cobra gunship missions into forbidden territory, day after day braving fierce ground and anti-aircraft fire to help insert or rescue the Green Berets and their indigenous teammates. While much interest is centered on the incredible men of SOG since it was revealed in 1995, much less is known about the brave Huey pilots and crews who rescued them, and even less about the courageous and highly effective gunship pilots called the Pink Panthers. A great many American and Allied lives were saved by their actions flying in the face of deadly danger.
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