William Davis Good Bye Plaque

Master Sergeant William Davis


Served 1967 to 1970. Completed SF O5B MOS 1969 and was assigned 3d Group. Requested assignment with the 5th and headed over in September 1969. A buddy, Bob Gully went over with me and he had heard about SOG. He volunteered for CCN and I to CCS   Upon arrival I was assigned to the Commo section. Had opportunities to volunteer for a few field ops and was also baptised with fire on my first op.
ETS May 1970 to attend Southeast Missouri   I was assigned to an ODA until the 12th Group disbanded. Found a new home with the 75th Division and was trained as an Observer/Controller and obtained a new MOS, 95B, Military Police. Retired in 2007 as a Master Sergeant.