On November 4, 1969, James Robert Klimo, from Muskegon, Michigan was serving as the Door Gunner on UH-1H 67-19512 along with WO Terry L. Alford, aircraft commander; WO1 Jim R. Cavender, pilot; and SP4 John A. Ware, crew chief. The crew were flying a series of combat support missions in in South Vietnam. WO Alford was returning to his base at Nha Trang from Duc Lap at about 1920 hours when he made his last known radio contact with the 48th Aviation Company Operations at Ninh Hoa. Either the pilot or aircraft commander gave his approximate location as Duc My Pass, and stated he was in the clouds and instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). Shortly afterwards, the controller at Ninh Hoa heard a radio transmission that WO1 Alford was in trouble. The pilot reported, inexplicably, that the helicopter was flying upside down. The helicopter is not believed to received ground fire. Search efforts were conducted for six consecutive days, but nothing was found.

Other Personnel In Incident: Jim Ray Cavender ; John A. Ware; Terry L. Alford (all missing)

Source: Compiled from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W. NETWORK in 2020.


SYNOPSIS: On November 4, 1969, WO Terry L. Alford, aircraft commander; WO1 Jim R. Cavender, pilot; SP4 John A. Ware, crew chief; and SP4 James R. Klimo, door gunner; were flying a series of combat support missions in a UH1H helicopter (serial #67-19512) in South Vietnam.

WO Alford was returning to his base at Nha Trang from Duc Lap at about 1920 hours when he made his last known radio contact with the 48th Aviation Company Operations at Ninh Hoa. Either the pilot or aircraft commander gave his approximate location as Duc My Pass, and stated he was in the clouds and instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). Shortly afterwards, the controller at Ninh Hoa heard a radio transmission that WO1 Alford was in trouble. The pilot reported, inexplicably, that the helicopter was flying upside down.

The Defense Department has told family members that the helicopter was on a secondary mission heading toward a buffer zone between Cambodia and South Vietnam, an area in the Central Highlands the helicopter was in by mistake. The helicopter is not believed to have been shot at. Search efforts wereconducted for six consecutive days, but nothing was found.

According to the Defense Department, one crewmember’s body was recovered ata later time, but no remains were ever found that could be identified as Alford, Klimo, Ware or Cavender. The four crew memberw were not among the prisoners of war that were released in 1973. High ranking officials admit their dismay that “hundreds” of suspected American prisoners of war did not return. Klimo’s sister has identified her brother as one of the prisoners of war pictured in a Vietnamese propaganda leaflet.