FOB-6 – Ho Noc Tao

B-56 Project Sigma
B-56 Project Sigma FOB-6 was formed in August 1966 and was very similar in makeup and operational procedure to B-50 Project Omega. Like Omega, Sigma was also created to provide reconnaissance in areas controlled by the VC. Located at camp Ho Ngoc Tao, along highway 1 between Saigon and Long Binh. Project Sigma had eight reconnaissance teams, three commando (reaction) companies, and a 168- man Chinese Nung Security Company. The personnel for the commando companies, and reconnaissance teams were either ethnic Cambodians or Nung mercenaries. Project Sigma teams abducted POWs back from the enemy in the Fish Hook area of war zone C. An enemy telephone line was located, tapped, and conversations recorded. Other teams placed electronic surveillance devices, set mechanical ambushes, and a host of electronic devices to hinder and harass the enemy along infiltration routes into South Vietnam. Project Sigma’s Road Runner Teams were transferred over to B-57 Project Gamma in 1967. Project Sigma also assisted and acted as forward reconnaissance elements in several Black Jack operations, which were conducted in its area of operations. In November 1967, operational control of B-56 was given directly to MACV, whereupon B-56 was placed under the control of the II Field Force. B-56 Project Sigma was relocated to Ban Me Thuot and combined with B-50 Project Omega in 1969,
which made up Command and Control South CCS